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Simplicity Is More Than Gold

It is so easy to get caught up in the glitz and glamour of social media until sometimes we forget the very small things that make life worth living. Money can make you comfortable in life, that is no lie. However, it can’t make you happy internally. That comes from within. Lately, I’ve been really taking the time to show gratitude towards the small things in life, which are really big things.

I’ll give you an example. Having all of my senses is something to be grateful for. I love the taste of food that unites with my soul. I love to hear the lyrics of songs that speak to my soul. And oh, how I love feeling the wind on those bright sunny days. I’ve learned how to appreciate them more and more. Especially, when I’ve experienced the rain.

Being able to take a road trip with my son and his friends makes me happy. Dancing and sitting by the pool makes me happy. Simple things like being able to ride in my car with the windows down makes me glow. And, how I love to spend time with my family and friends and laugh and make memories for eternity.

My call to everyone reading this is to take some time and truly smell the roses. Breath life. Take deep breaths, find a space of stillness for at least five to ten minutes of your day. We are always so busy working nine to fives, trying to be successful in our businesses, and working day in and night, that sometimes we forget to celebrate the mere fact that we are still here.

Yes, we all have bills and yes many of us are trying to make our dreams come true. But, don’t be so busy that you let the true simplicity of life pass you by. Dreams are very important, they are the catalyst to give us hope, but don’t let chasing those dreams, deprive you of the simplicity of life. If you follow me on social media, you will see more of me dancing and enjoying life because I want you to be encouraged to do the same thing! Maybe not on social media, but at least live life out loud in your own comfort. You deserve it!

Have wonderful week, Beauties!


Your PPOP Sis,

Erin Johnell Dickey

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