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Building Something That Truly Matters

“We’re building something that matters,” has been coined by Bishop Murphy of the dReam Center Church of Atlanta. He has made that declaration to the church. I love those words because when I think about everything that I stand for my mission in life is, “Building something that truly matters.” This is from my relationships with friends, from my husband, setting the foundation for my son and instilling values and beliefs, from my mission of empowering girls and women, “Building Something that Matters,” is my life’s mission.

Life is more than just being selfish, although at times, one does need to be selfish. But, life is about building lasting memories, building foundations of excellence, building meaningful relationships, helping others,building the confidence of others, being mindful of the past and hopeful for the future!

I’ve adopted the dReam Center’s declaration directly for my own life, “I am truly building something that matters.” As, I am raising my son along with other basketball parents, we together are building men who matter. We are setting the foundation of service to others, giving back, and being the best version of themselves. I’ve looked at the last couple of weeks this year and we’ve fed the homeless, went to church services, participated in MLK events, and competed in sports. We are teaching the boys not just to be athletes, but more. We are building young men whose lives matter. Who are encouraged to give back and be mentors.

As I’ve worked with young ladies between the age of 13-15 and talked to them about handling their emotions, I am inspired to continue to help build confidence in as many young ladies as I can and give them skills to be the best version of themselves. In fact, next week we will be talking the girls to fix meals for backpacks for young children in need of food. We are building something that matters! And that gives me chills!

Life is about building and really building something that matters. Whether one gives hope to others, builds confidence in young men who are human and make mistakes, helps that young lady be confident in who she is, whether one helps another’s dream come true, whether one builds a loving family, we should all be trying to build “Something that matters!” Something spectacular that can impact the world.

My charge to you, is to “Build something in life that matters!” Make your days here on earth count. Make sure that you have made someone else’s life better, and that you have helped create a foundation in the young people around you who will carry on, “Building something that matters."

I’ll see you all at the top while we are building our empires and most important “Building something that matters." After all that is what Dr. Martin Luther King did, he built a legacy that matters!


Your PPOP Sister,

Erin Johnell Dickey

Erin Johnell @ Feed The Homies ATL

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