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Chapter 38 With More to Come!

Every year of our life is another chapter. I am so excited about this chapter in my life. For one, I am getting older and a little wiser. I am understanding the importance of this gift here on earth and every day we are blessed with is a gift! In fact, now I am saying every morning, "Happy Wake Up Day!" You know how we say, "Happy Birthday!" Everyday, we should be grateful and so happy that we get a chance to spend time with the people we love, to chase another dream, or see a dream come true.

Chapter 37 taught me the importance of living in the moment and overcoming a harsh chapter right before. I have truly created a lot of memories and enjoyed so much time with family and friends. It has carried on to Chapter 38. I am taking nothing for granted! I am loving every single moment from watching my son play basketball, to anticipating who will be my lifetime love, to creating all of the goals an images of things that will come to past!

You see life can be awesome, no matter what stage you are in. Life is truly what you make it. You can rewrite some of those bad chapters and turn them into new chapters full of love, dreams coming true, and triumphs. We all have encountered set backs and heart aches. But, it's all about your perception. It's all about what you do, after the fact.

Ciara once said, "Every set back has caused my comeback to be one hundred."- I refuse to not have the life that I know God has destined for me to have. You see God gives us chapters and he wants us to have faith with action and make those chapters beautiful! I choose beauty! I choose perseverance! I choose love! I choose life! I choose all that is good in Chapter 38! And I hope you choose all good things in all of your chapters.

I don't care if you are in Chapter 70. You choose, to write your story by choosing life and choosing to make it positive. You choose life when you don't give up when faced with the strong winds of life. We we might bend, but we won't break. Keep going and enjoy your new chapter no matter how it has come to you. Many Blessings!!!


Your PPOP Sister,

Erin Johnell Dickey

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