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Summer PPOP Challenges!

Greetings Positive Princesses,

Today is a great day! This month I am promoting PPOP and the power of what PPOP stands for! I've said it before and I will continue to say it, a Positive Princess takes ownership of everything on her life. Her mind, her peace, her happiness, her health, her wealth, her relationships, her career, her dreams, hence every single aspect of her life.

This summer, I will be introducing PPOP Challenges. One of my purposes in life is to help everyone I encounter move to the next level! And that starts with taking control over the things that you can control. I love the "Serenity Pray." Because we ask God in that pray for courage to change the things that we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Having that said, you can take ownership of your future! Let's starts with getting our health together,

and then getting our mindset in order. You can control how much water you take in and how much fruit and vegetables you eat. You can determine to be happy in every stage that you are in, in your life! You can choose to be grateful for the things that you have and lost. Yes, I said even in the things you lost. There is something to be grateful for whether it was love or time spent. You determine that! You can determine to take control of your finances, whether that is getting a side hustle or two to help pay off some bills or help fund your dreams. Believe me there are many side gigs out there! You determine to own everything around you! Are you ready to live your "Best Life" now no matter where you are in your life?

Here's this week's PPOP Challenge to help be the catalyst to get you started.

PPOP Summer Challenge 2

Take Ownership of Your Mental Health & Happiness

*Meditate and Pray

*Write a gratitude list of everything that you are grateful for. Add to that list daily.

*Post at least one motivational quote daily!!

*Listen to one Motivational Video Daily.(Need someone to listen to, I will be doing motivational videos daily!) I will also post a few of my favorites on my social media accounts.

*Read a motivational excerpt daily.

*Exercise 3x this week for thirty minutes. Yes, moving helps to release stress!

*Get a vision of where you want to see yourself in a couple of years. (Write it down)

Together we can take ownership of our mental health and possession of our happiness by holding each other accountable. We are feeding our mind this week! My mission is to help you see how blessed you are because you are blessed my sister! It's time for the PPOP Challenge! #ppopchallenge


Your PPOP Sister,

Erin Johnell Dickey

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