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Be Thankful for What You Don't Have

I know you probably are wondering, "Where in the world did she get that title from?" With the social media industry the way it is, it's easy to be sad about the things that you don't have. But keep reading, and I will tell you what I mean.

Today, I woke up to a "Winter Wonderland" in Georgia. This Georgia girl never saw snow until her early 30's. As I thought about the first time I saw snow, and waking up to snow, I couldn't do anything but thank God for not having snow in the past. You see, if I were used to snow, today would just be another day. Nevertheless, because I am not used to snow, I get excited when it comes!

This puts me in the thought of being grateful for the things that I don't have. We as humans can be grateful for the things that we don't have because when we finally get them, we will cherish them more. Your road to success might not be as planned, but when you finally get to the place you were destined to be, you will appreciate it much more. Your road to love in a significant other might be taking longer than expected, but the love of your life could come when you least expect.

Many of us in Georgia didn't plan to see a snowy day in January, but God already knew that he had this beautiful day set for us to see. God knows his plans for us before we do. We have to trust the journey. Just like today, God has plans that will blow your socks off. Have you ever heard the phase, "Good things come to those who wait"? Good things also come to those when they least expect!

So, in this New Year, be expecting some of the things that you always wanted. But at the same time, thank God for the things you don't have. Him seeing you grateful for things you don't have will allow him to bless you with even more!

I can't wait to hear your stories of how this year has been a year of gratitude and unexpected blessings. Your life will change for the positive, when you least expect it! And again, be thankful for what you don't have!

Kisses and High Fives,

Your PPOP Sister,

Erin Johnell Dickey

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