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Your Dreams Will Come True!

Hey, Positive Princesses!

I hope you are having a great year. and if not, 2017 is not over yet. so don't fret. My life experience has taught me that success takes time, and some of us have to build our dreams brick by brick. What does that mean? Let me take you back to the tree that my Dad planted in his back yard. For many years, I didn't know my Dad had planted a tree. It took years to grow and produce fruit. One day, I looked in the back yard, and I was like Daddy where did that tree come from. He told me he took a peach seed from my Grandmother's house and planted it many years ago. At that moment I was speechless. The tree was fully developed and producing fruit, but for years I didn't even recognize that a tree was growing in the yard.

You might not know it, but your dreams are growing. You just need to keep feeding them, watering them, and speaking life. Now, the tree in my Dad's yard had weathered many storms including a tornado. I'm sure your dreams have weathered many storms figuratively too. Set backs, derailments, disappointments, but do you want to know how to know if your dream is really meant to come true? It's when you refuse to give up. That dream has been planted deep in your soul and even when you don't feel it, it's growing.

I challenge you to continue to keep moving. That seed that you have planted is growing even when you don't see it. We are blessed with one life here on earth, it's up to us to make our dreams come true. It's up to us to keep persevering when we really can't see the "Yellow Brick Road." It's there, keep going!


Your PPOP Sister,

Erin Johnell Dickey

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