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Butterflies Are Welcome!!!

I did a post on my old blog that that talked about welcoming butterflies. So I am sure you are wondering what do I mean by embracing butterflies? Butterflies are the feeling that one feel’s when she is expecting something great in her life. You know the feeling you feel when you meet someone new and you feel so happy, but nervous at the same time?

Tonight I felt the butterflies again. The feeling that something awesome is about to brew. Maybe love, maybe a new opportunity, or a well-deserved blessing. I absolutely love the feel of butterflies and the craziest thing is I don’t know why I am feeling them! I just take it as God’s way of letting me know that awesome change for the good is on its way.

As I experience these butterflies, I encourage you to welcome butterflies in your life. It is ok to feel that something wonderful or fantastic is going to happen in your life. It’s ok to be willing to expect something good that you don’t know what, but know in your gut is coming. We need to be expectant of good coming into our lives. When we go into the restaurant and order that pasta or steak, we are expecting the meal to come out delicious! Why not expect good things to happen in our lives?

I am wishing that you get a gift that only God could deliver in your life! You deserve it! So, the next time you get that gut feeling, those butterflies, say “Lord, I receive all that is good in my life!”

Here is your assignment, write down 3 things that you are expecting in your life. Pray about them and be in action and willing to receive them.

Have a wonderful week, PPOPs! Don't forget to embrace those butterflies. Your best days are on their way!


Your Fellow PPOP Sister,

Erin Johnell Dickey

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