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Take Tiny Steps to Your Dream

Happy Monday!! I hope you all have a wondeful week! Make sure to make some time for the dreams in your heart! God has given you these dear dreams to manifest. Sometimes we let fear get in the way of our life's purpose.

As you start off the week, I ask that you start off small and build your empire. Do something this week that contributes to your dreams. The first step is writing those goals down on what you want to accomplish for the remainder of the year. You have to have a foundation of where you are going. This foundation starts on paper.

After you have written out your goals, then you need to start making sure that you are taking actions to fulfill them! Yep, the Bible tells us that "Faith without works is dead!" Take baby steps and celebrate the goals that you accomplish each week. These goals will become your life's dreams if you just build it brick by brick! I'll be checking in with you. Remember to stay positive! Smile, you're alive! Have a blessed one!

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